Hello, our Dear Reader, how are you doing? Hope you're all doing great, sorry
if we haven't been able to post new articles for such a long time. We've been busy with our work
and our everyday routine. Today I just want to share our experience
about making a new furniture from a refurbished material.
Three beautiful cabinet door |
We have this 3 beautiful looking cabinet door from our latest client. Her
cabinet broke down so she decided to change it with a new one made from aluminum. She said to bring the 3 remaining cabinet door with
me, why not I think. These doors are still in good condition. I then took it
home, keep them to rest for a couple of week until I have some free time and decide what to do with them.
Left over plywood. |
Since my wife has
her own business, which involve cookies, she needed a bigger space to work. She asks me if I
can make a bigger table with some cabinet attached. And I said why not using
the stuff we had. As a contractor I usually had many left over materials
such as plywood, paints, nails and ceramic tiles.
The base for the table and cabinet. |
I designed the table so that the top part can be removed from the cabinet. Maybe you wonder why I do that? Because if someday we have to move to another house, it will be easier to pack. As for the cabinet, I made it
with 2 shelves, it can be accessed back and forth.
After finishing the table top with ceramic tile. |
wife often does some photo shoot for her products, and she usually needed a background for those, so I cover the table with white non-glossy ceramic tiles. It will make the table look neat and bright without reflecting too much light. I just glued the ceramic tiles to the
board and after that, fill the grout so it looked more spacious. I
repaint the cabinet door and the rest of the table with dark brown color so it will create a good contrast with the top part.
Repainting the cabinet door. |
So as you can see, this is the end result of the table. Hope this can be an inspiration for you all.
The finished product. |
The cabinet with the door closed. |
The cabinet if the door is opened. |
Remember, be creative with your junk and maintain a positive attitude of
all times. Cheers and thank you for visiting our blog :)
wah keren :) bisa di contoh nih buat meja dapur
BalasHapusboleh tanya kah? untuk menempel keramik ke plywoodnya pake apa ya pak? cukup pake lem kayu atau kah semen juga spt ketika pasang keramik?
apa bisa nempel ke plywood ya semen dan keramiknya?
Tidak perlu pakai semen, cukup dengan lem sealent yang untuk kaca aquarium. Lalu nat keramiknya di isi dengan nat biasa, agar kotoran tidak masuk ke sela-sela keramik.
HapusHanya saja pastikan konstruksi meja sudah kuat sehingga bagian atas meja tidak bisa melendut. Apabila bagian atas meja melendut (melengkung),keramiknya bisa saja terlepas atau pecah.